Item Detail
Ancient America and the Book of Mormon
Oakland, CA
Kolob Book Co.
"The purpose of this book is to correlate all of the principal sources which tell the story of ancient America. In many instances, the documents used, such as the Works of Ixtlilxochitl, have never heretofore appeared in English. The writers have had those documents translated into that language in order that they might be utilized in contributing to this story. A point of interest and of great importance is that practically all of the documents which can be classified as primary sources confirm each other and also sustain the account as revealed to the earth by an angel and published in the Book of Mormon, as will be shown in this book. Even the American anthropologists and archaeologists, in the discoveries that they make from time to time, are continuing to pile up evidence which helps to sustain the divine autheniticity of the Book of Mormon." [Author]
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Geography of the Book of Mormon
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Studies of the Book of Mormon
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Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith, An American Prophet
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Witnesses of the Book of Mormon