Item Detail
Scriptural Theology
Salt Lake City, UT
Greg Kofford Books
"The phrase 'theology of scripture' can be understood in two distinct ways. First, theology of scripture would be reflection on the nature of scripture, asking questions about what it means for a person or a people to be oriented by a written text (rather than or in addition to an oral tradition or a ritual tradition). In this first sense, theology of scripture would form a relatively minor part of the broader theological project, since the nature of scripture is just one of many things on which theologians reflect. Second, theology of scripture would be theological reflection guided by scripture, asking questions of scriptural texts and allowing those texts to shape the direction the theologian's thoughts pursue. In this second sense, theology of scripture would be less a part of the larger theological project than a way of doing theology, since whatever the theologian takes up reflectively, she investigates through the lens of scripture. The essays making up this collection reflect attentiveness to both ways of understanding the phrase "theology of scripture." Each essay takes up the relatively un-self-conscious work of reading a scriptural text but then-- at some point or another-- asks the self-conscious question of exactly what she or he is doing in the work of reading scripture. We have thus attempted in this book (1) to create a dialogue concerning what scripture is for Latter-day Saints, and (2) to focus that dialogue on concrete examples of Latter-day Saints reading actual scripture texts." [Abstract]
An Approach to the Book of Mormon
"And the Word Was Made Flesh" : A Latter-day Saint Exegesis of the Blood and Water Imagery in the Gospel of John
An Experiment on the Word : Reading Alma 32
An Other Testament : On Typology
'A Plainer Translation' : Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible : A History and Commentary
Discourses in Mormon Theology : Philosophical and Theological Possibilities
Exploring Mormon Thought : The Attributes of God, Volume 1
Faith and the Ethics of Climate Change
Feasting on the Word : The Literary Testimony of the Book of Mormon
Hearken, O Ye People : The Historical Setting for Joseph Smith's Ohio Revelations
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period I : History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, by Himself
John T. Clark : The "One Mighty and Strong"
Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology
Mormonism in Dialogue with Contemporary Christian Theologies
Mormonism in Transition : A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890-1930
Mormonism : The Story of a New Religious Tradition
Mormons and the Bible : The Place of the Latter-day Saints in American Religion
New Genesis : A Mormon Reader on Land and Community
Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless: Classical Essays of Hugh W. Nibley
One Continuous Flow : Revelations Surrounding the "New Translation"
Reading Nephi Reading Isaiah : Reading 2 Nephi 26-27
Reflections on Mormonism: Judaeo-Christian Parallels
Re-reading Job : Understanding the Ancient World's Greatest Poem
Rube Goldberg Machines : Essays in Mormon Theology
Second Witness : Analytical and Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon
Stewardship and the Creation : LDS Perspectives on the Environment
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Temple and Cosmos : Beyond this Ignorant Present
The Book of Mormon : A Reader's Edition
The Book of Mormon as a Modern Expansion of an Ancient Source
The Book of Mormon Text Reformatted According to Parallelistic Patterns
The Book of Mormon : The Earliest Text
The Development of the Mormon Concept of Grace
The Gift and Power : Translating the Book of Mormon
The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri : An Egyptian Endowment
The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion
The Translator and the Ghostwriter : Joseph Smith and W. W. Phelps
The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph
This is My Doctrine : The Development of Mormon Theology
Understanding the Book of Mormon : A Reader's Guide
Wrestling the Angel : The Foundations of Mormon Thought : Cosmos, God, Humanity