Item Detail
The LDS Church in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mormonism
Cham, Switzerland
Palgrave Macmillan
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in experienced modest initial growth in Eastern Europe and Russia following the entrance of full-time missionaries, primarily in the early and mid 1990s. Active church membership in many nations of the region peaked between approximately 1995 and 2000, but has since experienced retrenchment and decline leading to the consolidation or closure of some congregations and missions. Deficiencies of the institutional missionary program and a lack of vision for strategic outreach, in conjunction with local factors, hindered membership growth and convert retention. Declining receptivity to religious proselytism, as well as governmental restrictions in some areas, pose a guarded outlook for the future of the LDS Church in the region." [Author]
A Call to Russia : Glimpses of Missionary Life
A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Ethnization and Accommodation : Dutch Mormons in Twenty-first Century Europe
Feeding the Fleeing Flock : Reflections on the Struggle to Retain Church Members in Europe
German and Austrian Latter-day Saints in World War II : An Analysis of the Casualties and Losses
Issues in Writing European History and in Building the Church in Europe
Markow, Mischa
Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? : An "Afro-European" View on Religious Colonization
Mormonism in a Post-Soviet Society : Notes from Ukraine
Mormonism in Europe : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Mormonism in Latin America : Towards the Twenty-first Century
Mormon Membership Trends in Europe among People of Color : Present and Future Studies
Mormon Missionaries Enter Eastern Europe
Reaching the Nations : International church growth almanac
Rethinking the International Expansion of Mormonism
Russia and the Restored Gospel
The Morning Breaks : Stories of Conversion and Faith in the Former Soviet Union
The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020