Item Detail
What Size of City, and What Sort of City, Could (or Should) the City of Zion Be?
Dialogue : A Journal of Mormon Thought
Farmington, UT
Dialogue Foundation
The article references Joseph Smith's plat of Zion. It discusses possible necessary changes to this plat and combinations of agrarian and urban landscapes that would support the people and economy of Zion.
A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A Kingdom Transformed : Early Mormonism and the Modern LDS Church
Being Equal in Earthly and Heavenly Power : The Idea of Stewardship in the United Order
Building the City of God : Community and Cooperation among the Mormons
Embracing the Law : Reading D&C 42
History of Utah Radicalism : Startling, Socialistic, and Decidedly Revolutionary
In Heaven as It Is on Earth : Joseph Smith and the Early Mormon Conquest of Death
Revitalizing Zion : Nineteenth-Century Mormonism and Today's Urban Sprawl
The Mormon People: The Making of an American Faith
To Fill up the World : Joseph Smith as Urban Planner
Transformation of the Mormon Culture Region