Item Detail
Mormon Bibliography 1978
BYU Studies
Provo, UT
Brigham Young University Press
[1979 Mormon Historical Association Winner for Best Bibliography]
A list of citation relating to Mormon history published in teh year 1978.
100 Years of Primary
111 Days to Zion
1830 : Pivotal Year in the Fulness of Times
A Dam for Nauvoo : An Attempt to Industrialize the City
A Decade of Mormon Women--the 1870s
A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930 : Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, and Broadsides Relating to the First Century of Mormonism
An Ambiguous Decision : The Implementation of Mormon Priesthood Denial for the Black Man--A Reexamination
An Economic Analysis of the United Order
An Ideas Centered Approach to a Critical Analysis of the Public Speaking of David O. McKay : Ninth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
An Invisible Empire : Mormon Money in California
Another Visit with Walter Murray Gibson
Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-1892
A Special Relationship : J. Bracken Lee and the Mormon Church
Being Equal in Earthly and Heavenly Power : The Idea of Stewardship in the United Order
Belief Systems and Unhappiness : The Mormon Woman Example
Beyond the Manifesto : Polygamous Cohabitation among LDS General Authorities after 1890
Brigham and Heber
Brigham's Gospel Kingdom
Brigham Young and Mormon Indian Policies : The Formative Period, 1836-1851
Brigham Young's Family : Part I, 1824-1845
Challenge to Greatness : The Nineteenth-Century Saints in New York
Church and Politics at the Utah IWY Conference
Common Beginnings, Divergent Beliefs
David H. Smith : A Son of the Prophet
Divorce among Mormon Polygamists : Extent and Explanations
Double Jeopardy : Visual Images of Mormon Women to 1914
Dress of the Mormons Who Traveled Through Scott Bluffs, Nebraska between 1840 and 1860
Economic and Territorial Progress : 1878
Ecumenical Beginnings in the Mormon Church
Edwin Charles Cox Journal
Enigmas in Interpreting Mormonism
Fate and the Persecutors of Joseph Smith : Transmutations of an American Myth
Forgotten Mormon Perspectives : Slavery, Race, and the Black Man as Issues among Non-Utah Latter-day Saints, 1844-1873
From the Rumors to the Records : Historians and the Sources for Brigham Young
George Francis Train and Brigham Young
George Laub's Nauvoo Journal
Halldór Laxness, the Mormons and the Promised Land
History of Hatch, Utah and Associated Towns Asay and Hillsdale
Inside a Mormon Mission
I Sustain Him As a Prophet, I Love Him as an Affectionate Father
Karl G. Maeser's German Background, 1828-1856 : The Making of Zion's Teacher
Latter-day Prophets and The Doctrine and Covenants
Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles
Life History and Writings of John Jaques
Literary Dimensions of Mormon Autobiography
Mormondom's Lost Generation : The Novelists of the 1940s
Mormon in Motion : The Life and Journals of James H. Hart 1825-1906 in England, France, and America
Mormonism : A Faith for all Cultures
Mormonism's Negro Doctrine : An Historical Overview
Mormon Mortality Rates in Canada
Mormon Poor Relief : A Social Welfare Interlude
Mormon Sundays : A Historian Looks at How We've Observed the Sabbath since 1830
Nauvoo : A River Town
Nauvoo West : The Mormons of the Iowa Shore
Negative Social Labeling : Some Consequences and Implications
Nibley on the Timely and the Timeless: Classical Essays of Hugh W. Nibley
Not By Bread Alone : The Journal of Martha Spence Heywood, 1850-1856
Notes on Mormon Interfaith Marriages
Of Pride and Politics : Brigham Young as Indian Superintendent
Old Homes and Buildings
Open Hand and Mailed Fist : Mormon-Indian Relations in Utah, 1847-52
Pestiferous Ironclads : The Grasshopper Problem in Pioneer Utah
President Spencer W. Kimball : The Arizona Years
Recollections of 'Old Nauvooers' : Memories from Oral History
Restorations Belong to Everyone
Rocky Mountain Empire : The Latter-Day Saints Today
Sailing 'The Old Ship Zion' : The Life of George D. Watt
Sister Saints
Sisters and Little Saints : One Hundred Years of Primary
Social Science and Religious Beliefs : Some Misconceptions
Tales of a Triumphant People : A History of Salt Lake County, 1847-1900
The Doctrinal Impact of the King Follett Discourse
The Early Temples of the Mormons: The Architecture of the Millennial Kingdom in the American West
The Eliza Enigma
The Finest of Fabrics : Mormon Women and the Silk Industry in Early Utah
The Founding of the Samoan Mission
The Genteel Gentile : Letters of Elizabeth Cumming, 1857-1858
The Coniunctio in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Josephine Diaries : Glimpses of the Life of Josephine Streeper Chase, 1881-94
The King Follett Discourse : A Newly Amalgamated Text
The King Follett Discourse : Joseph Smith's Greatest Sermon in Historical Perspective
The Kirtland Economy Revisited : A Market Critique of Sectarian Economics
The Mormon Heritage of Vardis Fisher
The Mormon Historical Demography Project
The Practice of Rebaptism at Nauvoo
The Religious and Family Background of Brigham Young
The Representation of Reality in Nineteenth Century Mormon Autobiography
The Saints In Ireland
The Saints in Puerto Rico
These Three Women : They Presided Over Relief Society in the Twentieth Century
The Spirituality of Joseph Smith
The St. George Temple : First 100 Years
The Story of the Church
The Vocation of David Wright : An Essay in Analytic Biography
Thomas F. O'Dea on the Mormons : Retrospect and Assessment
Under Dixie Sun : A History of Washington County
Utah's History
'What Crime Have I Been Guilty of?' : Edward Partridge's Letter to an Estranged Sister
Woman's Place in Brigham Young's World
Woman Suffrage in Territorial Utah
Zane Grey and James Simpson Emmett
Zane Grey in Zion : An Examination of His Supposed Anti-Mormonism
Zion in New Zealand : A History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in New Zealand, 1854-1977