Item Detail
Spanish and Mexican Exploration and Trade Northwest From New Mexico into the Great Basin 1763-1853
Utah Historical Quarterly
Salt Lake City, UT
Utah State Historical Society
This article outlines the opening of trade and travel along the Old Spanish Trail that ultimatley ended in the Great Basin in Utah. This trail was used for decades by merchants and travels from Mexico in order to settle the over laying area.
A History of Mapleton, Utah, to 1945
Founding Fort Utah : Provo's Native Inhabitants, Early Explorers, and First Year of Settlement
Frémont’s Folklore; Or the Naming of the Green, Sevier, and Virgin Rivers, Revisited
Last Chance Byway : The History of Nine Mile Canyon
Old Trails, Old Forts, Old Trappers and Traders
Pageant in the Wilderness : The Story of the Escalante Expedition to the Interior Basin, 1776 ; Including the Diary and Itinerary of Father Excalante Tranasted and Annotated
Provo : Pioneer Mormon City
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The Discovery of the Green River
The Great Salt Lake
The Ute Indians of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
Utah: A Hispanic History
Utah's History
World of Wakara