Item Detail
Utah’s Recent Growth : The St. George/Washington County Example
Utah in the Twentieth Century
Logan, UT
Utah State University Press
"According to most Salt Lake City television stations, there are two types of weather in Utah : the Wasatch Front (basically Salt Lake City) and Utah’s Dixie (St. George). One of the fastest-growing areas in the United States because of its mild winters, St. George played an increasingly important role in Utah during the twentieth century (although Brigham Young’s winter home may have forecast the area’s future). While other authors use St. George to illustrate their conclusions, Douglas D. Alder focuses on the way that Utah’s Dixie changed from a provincial religious community to a retirement one and how it differs from Cache Valley, another rapidly growing area in northern Utah. Using local development records and personal experience, he carefully spells out the reasons why people come to St. George and why they stay. He also points out the challenges and advantages the increased population has brought to the area. His essay provides a model to help us understand other changing areas in the state. Alder’s experience as a professor at Utah State University and president of Dixie College makes him the ideal person to put the St. George story in a larger Utah context." [Author]