Item Detail
Coming of Age, 1907–1920
Hearts Turned to the Fathers
BYU Studies
Provo, UT
Brigham Young University
[1995 Mormon Historical Association Winner for Article Award of Excellence]
Individual of the credit for the early accomplishments of the Genealogical Society of Utah goes to two forceful advocates who shared a common vision of the Society's possibilities and doggedly pursued that vision: Susa Young Gates and Joseph Fielding Smith. Susa Young Gates constantly labored towards expanding the influence of the society throughout the church and represented it well before other genealogical organizations. She pursued her agenda not only through the Genealogical Society, but also under the auspices of the Relief Society, which for almost a decade carried the responsibility of getting the genealogical program into the homes of church members. During the same period Joseph Fielding Smith sought to make genealogy which was often a low priority among the Saints-equal to the other programs occupying the time of church members the society would absorb a great deal of his adult life