Item Detail
Mormons and Muslims
The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism
Cambridge, England
Oxford University Press
For reasons good and bad, Mormonism has been linked with Islam from its earliest days. This chapter examines and evaluates some of the reasons behind that linkage, giving special attention to the polygamy associated with both, their shared belief in postbiblical scripture, their rejection of a Trinitarian understanding of God, and their very different understandings of the nature and role of Jesus. This chapter also surveys the sympathetic attitude of Mormon leaders toward Islam—already discernible in their first generation, when such sympathy was distinctly unusual in the West—and suggests a Mormon-theological explanation for that attitude. After a discussion of contemporary Latter-day Saint policy regarding proselytizing among Muslims, there is a brief description and history of Brigham Young University’s Middle Eastern Texts Initiative, which was largely founded to fulfill the desire of Mormon scholars and ecclesiastical leaders to build good relations between the Mormon Church and the Islamic world.
Contemporary Mormonism : Social Science Perspectives
Modernization and Mormon Growth : The Secularization Thesis Revisited
Mormonism and Islam through the Eyes of a 'Universal Historian'
The City of the Saints and Across the Rocky Mountains to California
The Rise of a New World Faith
Ursprung und Geschichte der Mormonen, mit Exkursen uber die Anfange des Islams and des Christentums