Item Detail
"Virtue" in Moroni 9:9
Journal of Book of Mormon Studies
January 1, 2017
Provo, UT
Neil A. Maxwell Institute of Religion: Brigham Young University Press
This note will focus on virtue, treating it as a synonym for chastity on the basis of popular tendencies to read the texts “chastity and virtue” as a hendiadys, even though virtue is better understood as a category of moral goods, with chastity as a subset. Other scriptural uses support this latter understanding. For instance, in Proverbs 31:10, “virtuous” renders a form of the Hebrew chayil, which indicates strength or ability rather than sexual purity, even though the verse gets used alongside Moroni 9:9 in discussions of chastity. Similarly, in the three passages from the Gospels where Jesus describes virtue going out of him (Mark 5:30; Luke 6:19; 8:46), “virtue” translates forms of the Greek dynamis, which denotes power or energy, rather than anything having to do with sexuality per se.
[from the author]