Item Detail
Louisa Barnes Pratt : Self-Reliant Missionary Wife
Go Ye into all the World : The Growth and Development of Mormon Missionary Work
Provo, UT ; Salt Lake City, UT
Religious Studies Center, BYU ; Deseret Book Company
An outline fo the term "missionary wife" and how Louisa Barnes Pratt, wife of Addison Pratt, exemplified what it meant to be a missionary wife int he early years of the Church.
Looking West : Mormonism and the Pacific World
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
No Place to Call Home : The 1807-1857 Life Writings of Caroline Barnes Crosby, Chronicler of Outlying Mormon Communities
Seasons of Faith and Courage : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in French Polynesia. A Sesquicentennial History, 1843-1993
Sisters in Spirit : Mormon Women in Historical and Cultural Perspective
The History of Louisa Barnes Pratt : The Autobiography of a Mormon Missionary Widow and Pioneer
The Journals of Addison Pratt