Item Detail
Mormonism : embracing the origin, rise and progress of the sect
St. Louis
Ustick & Davies
Title continues - With an examination of the Book of Mormon ; also their troubles in Missouri, and final expulsion from the state.
An Interpretive Study of Mormon Millennialism during the Nineteenth Century with Emphasis on Millennial Developments in Utah
A Peculiar People : Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in Nineteenth-Century America
By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, 27 March 1990
Contingent Citizens: Shifting Perceptions of Latter-day Saints in American Political Culture
Exiles in a Land of Liberty : Mormons in America, 1830-1846
In Heaven as It Is on Earth : Joseph Smith and the Early Mormon Conquest of Death
Knowing Why: 137 Evidences that the Book of Mormon is True
Mormon History
Real Native Genius :
How an Ex-Slave and a White Mormon Became Famous Indians
Sheaves, Bucklers, and the State : Mormon Leaders Respond to the Dilemmas of War
Sheaves, Bucklers, and the State : Mormon Leaders Respond to the Dilemmas of War
Sidney Rigdon--Early Mormon
The Culture of Violence in Joseph Smith’s Mormonism
The Doctrine and Covenants: Revelations in Context: The 37th Annual Brigham Young University Sidney B. Sperry Symposium
The Joseph Smith Papers, Documents, Vol. 12: March 1843 - July 1843
The Triangle and the Sovereign : Logics, Histories, and an Open Canon