Item Detail
From Palmyra, New York, 1830, to Independence, Missouri, 1894, Vol. 1
Independence, MO
Ensign Publishing House
The "Book Unsealed" in a revised and enlarged form constitutes Part 1 of this work. Extreme care has been used in the preparation of its matter. A very few quotations taken from accepted reliable sources and which have NOT been compared with originals, appear designated as such by a dagger. These quotations could have been dispensed with, as on all points upon which they bear a sufficient quantity would still remain. Different editions of a number of authors are quoted from, as for instance, Priest's of 1833 and 1838. As the quotations not compared with originals are DESIGNATED as before mentioned, the different editions of works cited are not given accompanying quotations. [From the text]
A Case for the Book of Mormon
'Almost Mormon-Almost Christian' : The Image of the RLDS Church in Contemporary Anti-Mormonism
An Ordered Love : The Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias--The Shakers, The Mormons, and The Oneida Community
Eighth Witness : The Biography of John Whitmer
Eyewitness Accounts of the Restoration
Mormonism's Encounter with the Michigan Relics