Item Detail
American Indians and the Nauvoo-Era Council of Fifty
The Council of Fifty : What the Records Reveal about Mormon History
Provo, UT
Religious Studies Center, BYU
In this article the author seeks to consider the further insight provided by the Council of Fifty Minutes regarding the church's policy towards American Indians. "Indeed, the council's discussions during 1845 largely revolved around designs to establish alliances with and among the Indians living West of the Mississippi River."[AUTHOR]
All Abraham's Children : Changing Mormon Conceptions of Race and Lineage
Building the Kingdom of God : Alpheus Cutler and the Second Mormon Mission to the Indians, 1846-1853
'It Seems Like Heaven Began on Earth' : Joseph Smith and the Constitution of the Kingdom of God
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
No Toil nor Labor Fear : The Story of William Clayton
Quest for Empire : The Political Kingdom of God and the Council of Fifty in Mormon History
Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness
Seeking the 'Remnant' : The Native American during the Joseph Smith Period
The Council of Fifty : A Documentary History
The Council of Fifty and Its Members, 1844 to 1945
Wilford Woodruff's Journals