Item Detail
John Wesley : A Methodist Foundation for the Restoration
Religious Educator
Provo, UT
BYU Religious Studies Center
"In what is often considered an addendum to the story, Woodruff set apart three of the individuals—Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, and John Wesley—as high priests without explaining why in his journals... Indeed, Wesley laid a major part of the groundwork for the Restoration by promoting essentially correct doctrine, encouraging religious zeal at a time when it was waning, and suggesting that the divine could play an active role in the lives of individuals in the midst of Protestant formalism and Enlightenment skepticism. Thus Wesley infused Anglo-American culture with a religiosity that was receptive to the Restoration. Methodism’s influence in the Restored Church is extensive; the following is an attempt to give a summary of Wesley’s achievements."
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period I : History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, by Himself
John Taylor's Religious Preparation
Lehi on the Great Issues : Book of Mormon Theology in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective
Reverend George Lane--Good 'Gifts,' Much 'Grace,' and Marked 'Usefulness'
Some Demographic Aspects of One Hundred Early Mormon Converts, 1830-1837
'Sweeping Everything Before It' : Early Mormonism in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey
The Discourses of Wilford Woodruff
The Refiner's Fire : The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844
The Religious and Family Background of Brigham Young
The Religious Backgrounds of Mormon Converts in Britain, 1837-52
The Shaping of the Mormon Mind in New England and New York
The Social Origins of the Kirtland Mormons
The United Brethren
Thomas B. Marsh : The Preparation and Conversion of the Emerging Apostle