Item Detail
The Journal of Robert S. Bliss, with the Mormon Battalion
Utah Historical Quarterly
July, October 1931
Salt Lake City, UT
Utah Historical Society
2-part series, 67-96, 110-28
August 18, 1846 to January 13, 1848. Bliss writes paragraph-long daily entries usually recording the weather, landscape, distance traveled, and daily life on the prairie as Bliss marches with the Mormon Battalion. The diary can be broken down into four sections: his journey from Council Bluffs, Iowa to Santa Fe, the journey from Santa Fe to San Diego, life at Fort San Diego, and his return journey from San Diego to the Salt Lake Valley. The diary provides a detailed description of Santa Fe. Bliss records rumors of a Mexican army moving to meet the Battalion. Much of the second portion of the diary describes the difficulty of the journey from Santa Fe to California as Bliss starves while crossing the rough terrain. Upon his arrival in San Diego, he begins to guard the harbor. Much of the third section describes agriculture in the San Diego area. Bliss then records the difficult return journey, noting the Donner party remains as they looked in September 1847. He returns to the Salt Lake Valley and farms, awaiting the arrival of his family from Winter Quarters.
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