Item Detail
Joseph Smith and the Doctrine of Sealing
Interpreter : A Journal of Mormon Scripture
Orem, UT
The Interpreter Foundation
Brian Hales has observed that we cannot understand Joseph Smith’s marriage practices in Nauvoo without understanding the related theology. However, he implies that we are hampered in coming to a complete understanding of that theology because the only primary evidence we have of that theology is the revelation now recorded as Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants and a few entries in William Clayton’s journal. This paper argues that we have more primary evidence about Joseph Smith’s sealing theology than we realize. The accounts we have of the First Vision and of Moroni’s first visits in 1823 have references to the sealing power embedded in them, ready for Joseph to unpack when he was spiritually educated enough to ask the right questions.
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Joseph Smith's Polygamy
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Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
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The Historical Development of the Doctrine and Covenants