Item Detail
Latter-day Saint Missionaries Encounter the London Missionary Society in the South Pacific, 1844-1852
BYU Studies
Provo, UT
Brigham Young University
In fall 1843, four Latter-day Saints were called as the first missionaries to the South Pacific. One, Knowlton Hanks, died on the voyage. In May 1844, Addison Pratt began proselytizing on the island of Tubuai, 350 miles south of Tahiti. Benjamin Grouard and Noah Rogers went on to Tahiti, but after a few months they were forced to leave by the French colonizers and went to other islands. Rogers returned to the US in 1845, but Pratt and Grouard remained. On these various islands they encountered missionaries of the London Missionary Society, who had already been preaching in the South Pacific for decades and had translated the Bible into Tahitian. This article explores how the two groups of missionaries interacted, as recorded in their letters and diaries. While there was some antagonism between the Mormons and the Protestant missionaries, there was also some mutual generosity of spirit, as they recognized they were all engaged in the cause of Christ.
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A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People: Containing a Declaration of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, Commonly Called Mormons.
Beginnings in French Polynesia and Hawaii
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
Life of a Pioneer : Being the Autobiography of James S. Brown
New Wine and Old Bottles : Latter-day Saint Missionary Work in French Polynesia, 1844-1852
Seasons of Faith and Courage : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in French Polynesia. A Sesquicentennial History, 1843-1993
The History of the Saints: Or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism
The Journals of Addison Pratt
The Mormon Voyage of the Timoleon : Launching Latter-day Saint Missionary Work in the Pacific
Unto the Islands of the Sea : A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific
Voyages of Faith : Explorations in Mormon Pacific History
Zion in Paradise : Early Mormons in the South Seas