Item Detail
For Time and Eternity : BYU Coed Jokes and the Seriousness of Mormon Humor
Latter-day Lore : Mormon Folklore Studies
Salt Lake City
University of Utah Press
The traditionality of jokes goes beyond recycling content.3 Some joke cycles last for decades rather than months— some perhaps for centuries.4 And some joke cycles circulate mainly within particular groups. The BYU (Brigham Young University) coed joke cycle that I hope to illuminate here displays all these elements of traditionality— a high number of jokes adapted from other cycles, a decades-long oral life, and circulation mainly within a particular group— and thus it provides an exceptional opportunity to see how one of the most dynamic of oral genres, jokes, expresses perennial, culture-based concerns. Indeed, the insights suggested by a culturally contextualized analysis of BYU coed jokes might be hard to obtain elsewhere. [From the text]