Item Detail
'The Death of a Mormon Dictator' : Letters of Massachusetts Mormons, 1843-1848
New England Quarterly
December 1936
The author reprints nearly a dozen letters dating from the 1840's. The letters, written by Saints in Nauvoo, deal with plural marriage, dissenters (such as William Law) who were excommunicated for opposing plural marriage, Joseph Smith's martyrdom, the condition of the Saints in Nauvoo after the martyrdom, and the exodus from Nauvoo.
A Joseph Smith Commentary on the Book of Abraham : An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Abraham
American frontier religions: Mormons and their dissenters 1830- 1900
An Ordered Love : The Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias--The Shakers, The Mormons, and The Oneida Community
A Peculiar People : Anti-Mormonism and the Making of Religion in Nineteenth-Century America
A Sesquicentennial Look at Church History : Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 1980
A Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage before the Death of Joseph Smith
Brigham Young : Pioneer Prophet
'Brother Joseph Is Truly a Wonderful Man, He Is All We Could Wish a Prophet to Be' : Pre-1844 Letters of William Law
Exiles in a Land of Liberty : Mormons in America, 1830-1846
James Blakeslee, the Old Soldier of Mormonism
Joseph Smith III : Pragmatic Prophet
Joseph Smith's Polygamy
Joseph Smith's Prophecies of Martyrdom
Journals, Volume 3 : May 1843-June 1844
Junius and Joseph : Presidential Politics and the Assassination of the First Mormon Prophet
Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited
Knowing Brother Joseph Again : Perceptions and Perspectives
Mormon Nauvoo from a Non-Mormon Perspective
Mormon Nauvoo from a Non-Mormon Perspective
Strangite Mormons : A finding aid
Terrible Revolution : Latter-day Saints and the American Apocalypse
The Authorship of the Manuscript of Doctrine and Covenants Section 132
The Joseph Smith Papers : Journals, Volume 3 : May 1843–June 1844
The Political Kingdom of God as a Cause for Mormon-Gentile Conflict
The Political Kingdom of God as a Cause of Mormon-Gentile Conflict
The Quest for Religious Authority and the Rise of Mormonism
The Saints and the State: The Mormon Troubles in Illinois
The Seven Ages of Thomas Lyne : A Tragedian among the Mormons
Vernacular Mormonism : The Development of Latter-Day Saint Apocalyptic (1830-1930)