Item Detail
Written by the Finger of God? : Claims and Controversies of Book of Mormon Translation
December 2010
Salt Lake City, UT
Sunstone Education Foundation
"Despite the divine declaration that the translation was 'correct,' even a number of the Book of Mormon's staunchest defenders assert that the English translation is sometimes over-literal, ungrammatical, and inaccurate. These difficulties have brought into question how the Book of Mormon was translation. Were the words of the Book of Mormon, errors and all, delivered verbatim to Joseph Smith as was widely believed in the early Church and often still today? If so, how does one explain the textual errors or his later revisions? Are the Book of Mormon's difficulties better explained by regarding Joseph Smith as an interpreter instead of a transcriber? If so, what should one make of the significant eye-witness testimony suggesting that Smith received the translation word for word? Part I of this article lays the groundwork for discussing these questions by offering a brief overview of how the translation was described by its witnesses and Smith's contemporaries. The article will then trace the controversy that has arisen more recently over the method of translation and asses the evidence for competing claims." [p. 20]
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