Item Detail
This is My Doctrine : The Development of Mormon Theology
Salt Lake City
Greg Kofford Books
"The principal doctrines defining Mormonism today often bear little resemblance to those it started out with in the early 1830s. This book shows that these doctrines did not originate in a vacuum but were rather prompted and informed by the religious culture from which Mormonism arose. Early Mormons, like their early Christian and even earlier Israelite predecessors, brought with them their own varied culturally conditioned theological presuppositions (a process of convergence) and only later acquired a more distinctive theological outlook (a process of differentiation). In this first-of-its-kind comprehensive treatment of the development of Mormon theology, Charles Harrell traces the history of Latter-day Saint doctrines from the times of the Old Testament to the present. He describes how Mormonism has carried on the tradition of the biblical authors, early Christians, and later Protestants in reinterpreting scripture to accommodate new theological ideas while attempting to uphold the integrity and authority of the scriptures. In the process, he probes three questions: How did Mormon doctrines develop? What are the scriptural underpinnings of these doctrines? And what do critical scholars make of these same scriptures? In this enlightening study, Harrell systematically peels back the doctrinal accretions of time to provide a fresh new look at Mormon theology." [Publisher's abstract]
Altering Translated Scriptures: The Case of Familiar Spirit (as a Key Phrase of the Restoration and as an Inapt Product of Jacobean Demonology)
Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints
Ann Booth's Vision and Early Conceptions of Redeeming the Dead among Latter-day Saints
A Pentecostal Reads the Book of Mormon : A Literary and Theological Introduction
Are There Ten Commandments for Latter-day Zion?
Authority and Priesthood in the LDS Church, Part 1 : Definitions and Development
A Word in Season: Isaiah's Reception in the Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Pneumatology
Book of Mormon Theology: The Origins and Development of an Academic Discipline
Charisma under Pressure: Joseph Smith, American Prophet, 1831–1839
Excavating Early Mormon History : The 1878 History Fact-Finding Mission of Apostles Joseph F. Smith and Orson Pratt
Faith and intellect : The lives and contributions of Latter-day Saint thinkers
Jesus Christ, Son of Man: James J. Strang's Apologetic Christology
Joseph F. Smith: Reflections on the Man and His Times
Joseph Smith's Polygamy
Latter-Day Prophets : Their Lives, Teachings, and Testimonies
Line Within Line : An Intertextual Analysis of Mormon Scripture and the Prologue of the Gospel of John
Mormon Conquest : Whites and Natives in the Intermountain West
Mormon Hermeneutics: Five Approaches to the Bible by the LDS Church
Mormonism 101 : Examining the Religion of the Latter-day Saints
Mormonism and Process Cosmology : A General Introduction
Mormonism and the Emotions : An Analysis of LDS Scriptural Texts
Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology
Mormon Women's History : Beyond Biography
"Reasonings Sufficient" : Joseph Smith, Thomas Dick, and the context(s) of early Mormonism
Scriptural Theology
Searching for an Adequate Theodicy : David Griffin and Mormonism
Sex and Sects: The Story of Mormon Polygamy, Shaker Celibacy, and Oneida Complex Marriage
Shifting Intellectual and Religious Paradigms : One Apologist's Journey into Critical Study
“Show Them unto No Man”: Part 2. The Book of Moses and the Early Jewish Christian Esoteric Tradition
Standing Apart : Mormon Historical Consciousness And The Concept Of Apostasy
The History of the Name of the Savior’s Church : A Collaborative and Revelatory Process
The LDS Gospel Topics Series : A Scholarly Engagement
The Mormon Jesus : A Biography
The Teachings of Silvanus: A Little-Known Gem from Nag Hammadi
"Thou Art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" : The Person and Work of Jesus in the New Testament
What Do We Know of God's Will for His LGBT Children? : An Examination of the LDS Church's Position on Homosexuality