Item Detail
Journal of Rachel Emma Woolley Simmons
Heart Throbs of the West
"Retrospective to 1881. Born in Ohio, 1836. Parents joined LDS Church, 1839. To Nauvoo, 1840. Recollections of that city. At Winter Quarters. To Utah, 1848. Experiences on journey. Difficulties of first winter. Married Joseph M. Simmons, 1851. Difficulty in accepting plural marriage. Utah War. Economic difficulties of family. Became midwife, 1878. Daily entries begin 1881. Daily routine. Church attendance. Long entries on family activities. Feelings about antipolygamy actions of federal government. Intermittent entries for 1886-91." [Abstract from Davis Bitton's Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies]|Simmons was the daughter of Edwin D. Woolley.
A Widow's Tale : The 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney
Brigham Young's Homes
Dancing the Buckles off Their Shoes in Pioneer Utah
Early Utah Pioneer Cultural Societies
Elder Statesman : A Biography of J. Reuben Clark
Faithful and Fearless : Major Howard Egan : Early Mormonism and the Pioneering of the American West
Howard Egan, the Elkhorn Skirmish, and Mormon Trail Emigration in 1848
'Pleasing to the Eyes of an Exile' : The Latter-day Saint Sojourn at Winter Quarters, 1846-1848
The Gardo House : A History of the Mansion and Its Occupants
The Mormon History Association's Tanner Lectures : The First Twenty Years
The Old Folks Day : A Unique Utah Tradition