Item Detail
Asian American Mormons : Bridging Cultures
Provo, UT
Charles Redd Center for Western Studies
Based on oral interivews. Deals with upside and downside of maintaining foreign language in ethnic branches, where language is not a problem.
A Chosen People, a Promised Land : Mormonism and Race in Hawai'i
Biography in Mormon Studies
Crossing the Planes : Gathering, Grafting, and Second Sight in the Hong Kong China International District
Establishing the Church Simply
Mormon History
Ripe Fields, Plentiful Laborers, Few Jobs : The Prospects and Challenges for Early-Career Mormon Studies Scholars
Taking the Gospel to the Japanese, 1901 to 2001
The Modern Mormon Church
The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism
The State of Mormon Folklore Studies
The Worldwide Church : Mormonism as a Global Religion