Item Detail
My Fellow Servants : Essays on the History of the Priesthood
BYU Press
All essays in this collections have been previously published, and each of the original essays have individual records in this bibliography. The essays appear on the followoing pages in this publication: Upon You My Fellow Servants: Restoration of the Priesthood (3-24); Every Member Was a Missionary (25-33); From Men to Boys: LDS Aaronic Priesthood Offices, 1829-1996 (37-86); Ordained and Acting Teachers in the Lesser Priesthood, 1851, 1883 (87-113); Bishop, History of the Office (115-123); Edward Hunter: Pioneer Presiding Bishop (125-151); Ward Bishops and the Localizing of LDS Tithing, 1847-1856 (153-171); Brigham Young and Priesthood Work at the General and Local Levels (175-205); LDS Pastors and Pastorates (207-226); The Priesthood Reorganization of 1877: Brigham Youngs Last Achievement (227-264); The Seventies in the 1880s: Revelations and Reorganizing (265-300); The Priesthood Reform Movement, 1908-1922 (301-320); Organization (323-334); Enough Water: Baptism , An Ever Changing Quality (335-342); Mormon Sundays (343-354); Organization of Wards and Stakes: A Historical Approach (355-360); Nauvoo Stake, Priesthood Quorums, and the Churchs First Wards (361-385); Brigham Youngs Overland Trails Revolution: The Creation of the down-and-Back Wagon-Train System, 1860-1861 (387-414); Common People: Church Activity during the Brigham Young Era (415-462); War and Peace and Dutch Potatoes (463-474).
Emigration and immigration
Young, Brigham, leadership
Ecclesiastical units, wards and branches
Benson, Ezra Taft
Revelation and revelations
Administrative history
Social and cultural history
Sunday School
Hunter, Edward
Missiology, U.S.
Administrative history, 19th century
Doctrinal history, authority
Ecclesiastical offices, Quorums of the Seventy
Ecclesiastical units, stakes
Priesthood, restoration
Children and youth, 20th century
Administrative history, 20th century
World War II
Doctrinal history, Sabbath day
Doctrinal history, priesthood
Children and youth, 19th century
Priesthood, Aaronic
Ecclesiastical courts
British Isles, administrative history
Welfare, Europe
Ecclesiastical offices, bishop
Nauvoo, Ill., religious life
Book of Mormon, use and influence
Chamberlain, Solomon
Ecclesiastical units, stakes (Illinois)
Ecclesiastical units, wards and branches (Illinois)
Doctrinal history, baptism
Young, Brigham, priesthood reorganization
Zappey, Cornelius
Pioneer life, religious activity -
"Archives of the Better World": The Nineteenth-Century Historian's Office and Mormonism's Archival Flexibility
Authority and Priesthood in the LDS Church, Part 2 : Ordinances, Quorums, Nonpriesthood Authority, Presiding, Priestesses, and Priesthood Bans
Early Mormon Priesthood Revelations : Text, Impact, and Evolution
Excessive Formalities in the Mormon Sacrament, 1928-1940
Feeding the Flock : The Foundations of Mormon Thought : Church and Praxis
Joseph F. Smith and the Reshaping of Church Education
Mormon Priesthood and Organization
Restoring Melchizedek Priesthood
Saints : The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. No Unhallowed Hand 1846–1893.
"Seeking after Monarchal Power and Authority" : Joseph Smith and Leadership in the Church of Christ, 1831-1832
Terrible Revolution : Latter-day Saints and the American Apocalypse
The Eucharist of the Latter-day Saints: The Sacrament in the Broader Christian Context
The Joseph Smith Papers : Documents, Volume 2 : July 1831–January 1833
The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism