Item Detail
The Dependence of Abraham 1:1-3 on the Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar
John Whitmer Historical Association Journal
Christopher Smith writes about the Pearl of Great Price being dependent on Joseph Smith's book Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar, rather than the book being a result of the Pearl of Great Price, as some scholars have believed. Christopher Smith concludes that Joseph Smith was the author of the Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar through revelation and that he used it as a translation key for portions of the Book of Abraham.
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The Ghost and the Machine : Plates and Paratext in The Book of Mormon
The Inspired Fictionalization of the 1835 United Firm Revelations
The LDS Gospel Topics Series : A Scholarly Engagement
The Pearl of Greatest Price: Mormonism's Most Controversial Scripture
The Pure Language Project
The Triangle and the Sovereign : Logics, Histories, and an Open Canon
"Translating an Alphabet to the Book of Abraham": Joseph Smith's Study of the Egyptian Language and His Translation of the Book of Abraham
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A Guide to the Joseph Smith Papyri
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. . . By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus : A New Look at the Joseph Smith Papyri
Early Mormon Documents : Volume II
Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
Joseph (Smith) in Egypt : Babel, Hieroglyphs, and the Pure Language of Eden
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Reducing Dissonance : The Book of Abraham as a Case Study
The 'Book of Abraham' in the Light of History and Egyptology
The Joseph Smith Papers : Journals, Volume 1 : 1832–1839
The Joseph Smith Revelations : Text and Commentary
The Meaning of the Kirtland Egyptian Papers
The Saga of the Book of Abraham
The Story of the Book of Abraham : Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism
The Translator and the Ghostwriter : Joseph Smith and W. W. Phelps