Item Detail
Educating the Lamanites : A Brief History of the LDS Indian Student Placement Program
Journal of Mormon History
Fall 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
This article gives a brief overview of the Indian Placement Program. It begins with historical background consisting of the Church's interaction with Indians from the time of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The placement program began informally about 1947, with an official beginning in 1951. Morgan also discusses some of the manuals, guidebooks and other materials about the program indicating some of the perceptions held by the General Authorities who supervised the program. Some statistics of the Indian Placement service are included. Most of the students in the program were Navajo. Morgan goes on to compare the program with other programs sponsored by other religions and state and national programs to educate Indians. Studies showed that all these programs were extremely poor in educating Indian children because they did not take into account the cultural differences of Indians. Also, on a national level, such programs were not funded or supported properly, and the goal of these programs was to bring the children into a White culture. The Church program only sought to convert the children to the LDS faith. In the 1970's, the Placement Program was attacked because some felt it placed too much emotional and psychological stress on the children when away from their families. This article gives the positive and negative opinions of the program from several Indians who participated in it. The Program eventually ended in the 1980's mostly because schools on the reservations improved.
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