Item Detail
Hannah S. Jenkins : Missionary Wife in Palestine, 1911-20
Journal of Mormon History
Spring 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
This article traces the establishment and growth of an RLDS congregation in Jerusalem, and more particularly, Rees and Hannah Jenkins' assignment as missionaries there. Conditions were difficult in Palestine for the Jenkins and for missionary work. These conditions were made even more difficult by the outbreak of World War I, which trapped the Jenkins in Jerusalem. During this time Rees Jenkins was arrested as a British spy based on accusations made by the Njeim family, local Arab members who lived with the Jenkins and had clashed with them over control of the mission home. Rees Jenkins died in Damascus after being released from prison. After the end of the war, Sister Jenkins was told by church leaders to leave the mission home in Jerusalem to the Njeims and return to the United States. She returned to Steubenville, Ohio and died there.