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The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Brigham Young University-Idaho : A Case of Rethinking Scholarship
Moscow, Idaho
University of Idaho
The problem addressed in this study focused on the narrowing definition of scholarship in higher education. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to discover and describe what a university is doing to broaden the definition of scholarship via the model of the innovation: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning on the Campus of Brigham Young University-Idaho. Purposeful sampling was used to select ten participants who were then interviewed. The grand tour question was: What are the elements of the model of the innovation: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning that are being implemented at BYU-Idaho as the faculty's primary scholarly activity? Data were also collected through observations and documents to corroborate findings. As data were analyzed, six themes emerged which provided the elements of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at BYU-Idaho. Using those elements, a conceptual model of the innovation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at BYU-Idaho was then constructed. The model through which the study was conceptualized was framed using the axiological, epistemological, and ontological assumptions. BYU-Idaho's implementation of a broadened scholarly activity is deeply rooted in doctrines and principles of the LDS culture. Viewing the data through the conceptual model revealed that BYU-Idaho has broadened the meaning of scholarship via demonstrated practices of teaching and learning.