Item Detail
"Our Wise and Prudent Women" : Twentieth-Century Trends in Female Missionary Service
New Scholarship on Latter-day Saint Women in the Twentieth Century : Selections from the Women's History Initiative Seminars 2003-2004
Provo, UT
Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History
Payne discusses the data and trends in female missionary service within the context of both Latter-day Saint religious history and American history.
"Female Brethren" : Gender Dynamics in a Newly Integrated Missionary Force, 1898-1915
Gender and Missionary Work
Sister Saints: Mormon Women since the End of Polygamy
Sweet is the Work : Lessons from the First Sister Missionaries
The Power of Godliness : Mormon Liturgy and Cosmology
The Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender
Yeshariah : Society for LDS Sister Missionaries