Item Detail
The Diverse Sheep of Israel : Should the Shepherds Resemble Their Flocks?
Dialogue : A Journal of Mormon Thought
Winter 2005
Smith statistically analyzes racial percentages in general Church membership and among General Authorities. In 2002, 50% of the Church's members were of European descent, 36% were Latin, 10% were Asian or Pacific Islander, and 3% were black. However, in 2002, only 7% of General Authorities were from minority races, with only one Asian and no blacks. In analyzing current membership trends, Smith predicts that by 2015, the Church's Latin population will outnumber its ethnic European population. He also discusses the challenges facing the Church resulting from its changing racial composition.
Black Saints in a White Church : Contemporary African American Mormons
"Changing Times Bring Changing Conditions" : Relief Society, 1960 to the Present
Correlated Praise : The Development of the Spanish Hymnal
How Many Members Are There Really? : Two Censuses and the Meaning of LDS Membership in Chile and Mexico
So Far, So Good : A Brief Assessment of Mormon Membership Projections
Spreading Zion Southward, Part I : Improving Efficiency and Equity in the Allocation of Church Welfare Resources
Spreading Zion Southward, Part II : Sharing Our Loaves and Fishes
The Challenges of Administering a Worldwide Church
The Maturing of the Oak : The Dynamics of Latter-day Saint Growth in Latin America
The Rise of a New World Faith
The Uncertain Dynamics of LDS Expansion, 1950-2020