Item Detail
Sin, Skin, and Seed : Mistakes of Men in the Book of Mormon
John Whitmer Historical Association Journal
Murphy suggests using anthropology to remove the mistakes of men from the Book of Mormon, namely: 1) People's skin color reflects states of righteousness or wickedness. 2) Male patriarchs provide the creative contribution, the seed, to the process of human reproduction, and 3) American Indians must turn to restoration scriptures to know their own history. In expanding upon these ideas, he states that the Book of Mormon attribution of "moral and social conditions" is made up of strands from colonial history, and that the history of the Lamanites as recorded in the Book of Mormon is no more than a rewriting of the Indian past. Murphy briefly touches on "overwhelming genetic evidence" that Native Americans came from northeast Asia with no evidence in current Native American populations of Middle East ancestry. This research, in his view, makes the Book of Mormon claim that the Lamanites are "the principal ancestors of the Native Americans" untenable. He also discusses the concept of seed at length as used in the Book of Mormon and the Bible.
Black, White, and Red All Over : Skin Color in the Book of Mormon
Essays on American Indian and Mormon History
Mormon Conquest : Whites and Natives in the Intermountain West
Other Scriptures : Restoring Voices of Gantowisas to an Open Canon
Science and Fiction: Kennewick Man/Ancient One in Latter-day Saint Discourse -
Adam, Eve, the Book of Moses, and the Temple : The Story of Receiving Christ's Atonement
Axes Mundi: Ritual Complexes in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon
B. H. Roberts : Book of Mormon Apologist and Skeptic
Critique of a Limited Geography for Book of Mormon Events
DNA and the Book of Mormon : A Phylogenetic Perspective
Early Christian Temples and Baptism for the Dead : Defining Sacred Space in the Late Antique Near East
Exodus and the Utah War : Tales from the Mormon Move South, 1858
Glad Tidings from Cumorah : Interpreting the Book of Mormon through the Eyes of Someone in Hell
"If Ye Believe on His Name" : Wordplay on the Name Samuel in Helaman 14:2, 12-13 and 3 Nephi 23:9 and the Doctrine of Christ in Samuel's Speech
Imagining Lamanites : Native Americans and the Book of Mormon
Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon : Religious Solutions from Columbus to Joseph Smith
Invoking the Name of the Lord : A Quantitative Study
"I of Myself Am a Wicked Man" : Some Notes on Allusion and Textual Dependency in Omni 1:1-2
It Came from Beyond
Joseph Smith as Book of Mormon Storyteller
Josiah to Zoram to Sherem to Jarom and the Big Little Book of Omni
Lamanite Genesis, Genealogy, and Genetics
Losing a Lost Tribe : Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church
Missions and Missionaries
Mormonism and the Negro : Faith, Folklore, and Civil Rights
Mormon, Moses, and the Representation of Reality
Neither White nor Black : Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in a Universal Church
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon : Explorations in Critical Methodology
Nibley's Early Education
Now what?
Reinventing Lamanite Identity
Simply Implausible : DNA and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of Mormon
Studies of the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon and DNA Research : Essays From the Farms review and the Journal of Book of Mormon studies
The Charge of 'Racism' in the Book of Mormon
The Covenant of Christ's Gospel in the Book of Mormon
The Goodness of God and His Children as a Fundamental Theological Concept in the Book of Mormon
"The Messiah Will Set Himself Again" : Jacob's Use of Isaiah 11:11 in 2 Nephi 6:14 and Jacob 6:2
The Origin and Purpose of the Book of Mormon Phrase "If Ye Keep My Commandments Ye Shall Prosper in the Land"
The Practice and Meaning of Declaring Lineage in Patriarchal Blessings
The Precepts of Zion and Joseph Smith's City of Zion Plan : Major Influences For the Planning of Nauvoo
The Search for the Seed of Lehi: How Defining Alternative Models Helps in the Interpretation of Genetic Data
The Theology of C. S. Lewis : A Latter-day Saint Perspective
Tocqueville on New Prophets and the Tyranny of Public Opinion
Vernacular Mormonism : The Development of Latter-day Saint Apocalyptic—1830–1930
View of the Hebrews, or, The Tribes of Israel in America
Who Are the Children of Lehi? DNA and the Book of Mormon