Item Detail
The Temple Lot Case : Fraud in God's Vineyard
John Whitmer Historical Association Journal
The claims of different groups contesting the Temple Lot in Independence, Missouri, and the resulting legal case are discussed from the point of view of a Reorganized Church member.
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints : 130 Years of Crossroads and Controversies
The Kirtland Temple Suit and the Utah Church
"Upon a Lot...not far from the Courthouse" : A Photographic History of the Temple Lot in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
Wightites in Wisconsin : The Formation of a Dissenting Latter Day Community (1842-1845) -
Ancestry and Posterity of Joseph Smith and Emma Hale
Brigham Young and His Wives : And the True Story of Plural Marriage
The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Temple of the Lord : The Location and Purposes if the Temple which is to be built in Independence, Missouri