Item Detail
Lions, Brothers, and the Idea of an Indian Nation : The Mexican Revolution in the Minds of Anthony W. Ivins and Rey L. Pratt, 1910-1917
Dialogue : A Journal of Mormon Thought
Summer 2002
Apostle Anthony W. Ivins and Mexican Mission President Rey L. Pratt supported the Mexican Revolution. Their discourse was radical, religious, militant, and revolutionary. They advocated a militant overthrow of the privileged and wealthy classes by the native people of Mexico.
A Book of Mormons
Ammon M. Tenney : Mormon Missionary to the Indians
Execution in Mexico : The Deaths of Rafael Monroy and Vicente Morales
From Above and Below : The Mormon Embrace of Revolution, 1840--1940
From Racist Stereotype to Ethnic Identity : Instrumental Uses of Mormon Racial Doctrine
History of the Mormon Colonies in Mexico : (The Juarez Stake), 1885-1980, Consisting of Colonia Diaz, Colonia Juarez, Colonia Dublan, Colonia Pacheco
Letter from Mexico. Impressions of a Mormon
Memories of Militants and Mormon Colonists in Mexico
Mormons and Native Americans : A Historical and Bibliographical Introduction
Mormons in Mexico : The Dynamics of Faith and Culture
Preaching the Gospel to the Lamanites
Stalwarts South of the Border
The Mormon Colonies in Mexico
The Mormon Hierarchy : Extensions of Power
Voice in the West : Biography of a Pioneer Newspaper