Item Detail
Sonia Johnson : Mormonism's Feminist Heretic
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
University of Illinois Press
Johnson protested the Church's activities against the ERA and claimed that the Church's all-male priesthood was a sign of its mysogeny. Her dissent represents the more modern dissent of Mormon women who feel that their rights as members of the Church are being denied.
A History of Dialogue, Part Two : Struggle Toward Maturity, 1971-1982
Ecclesiastical Polity and the Challenge of Homosexulity : Two Cases of Divergence within the Mormon Tradition
God and Country : Politics in Utah
New Scholarship on Latter-Day Saint Women in the Twentieth Century : Selections From the Women's History Initiative Seminars, 2003-2004
Telling Latter-Day Saint Lives : The Craft and Continuing Challenge of Mormon Biography