Item Detail
The Old Fox : Alpheus Cutler
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
University of Illinois Press
Cutler believed that the Lord expected him to play a leading, specialized role in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When this belief never became a reality, he broke from the Church and attempted to establish a schismatic movement: The Church of Christ (Cutlerite), 1853. He, like many early Mormon dissenters, fell away from the Church after the prophet Joseph died and Brigham Young assumed authority.
Conflict in the Camps of Israel : The 1853 Cutlerite Schism
Did Joseph Smith Commit Treason in His Quest for Political Empire in 1844?
From the Outside Looking In : Essays on Mormon History, Theology, and Culture
In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents
Joseph Smith's Ambiguous Legacy : Gender, Race, and Ethnicity as Dynamics for Schism Within Mormonism after 1844
Luana Hart Beebe (1814-1897) : A Biographical Sketch of a Remarkable Early Latter-day Saint
Mormontown : Collective Memories of a Cutlerite Colony in Iowa
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
"The Church in the Days of Alpheus Cutler" : New Insights into the Nineteenth-Century Cutlerite Ecclesiology
The Council of Fifty Minutes and Latter Day Saint Studies on Succession
"The Highest Class of Adulterers and Whoremongers" : Plural Marriage, the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), and the Construction of Memory
The Kingdom and the Church : The Anointed, the Fifty, and Alpheus Cutler's Claims
The Scattered Saints of Southwestern Iowa Cutlerite-Josephite Conflict and Rivalry, 1855-1865
The Upper-Room Work : Esotericism in the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), 1853-1912
Vernacular Mormonism : The Development of Latter-Day Saint Apocalyptic (1830-1930)