Item Detail
The Private Papers and Diary of Thomas Leiper Kane. A Friend of the Mormons
San Francisco
"Confidential entries for my dear wife," consisting for most part of description of things seen on journey. Only occasional word on his mission to Mormons. From Philadelphia to Salt Lake by way of Panama. Crossed isthmus on newly constructed railroad. Boarded steamer for San Francisco. Re-embarked for San Pedro. Overland to Salt Lake. Homesick and seasick. ("I devoutly pray that I may never again'never again'expose myself to what I never fail to suffer on the ocean. . . . Never, no never again on the Sea.") Arrived in Salt Lake 28 February. Gap to 28 March when he writes, "I have returned from a trip on which I was successful in making the arrangements for introducing Governor C. into the Valley, with the feeling that I have now done my last utmost, and may leave the future to a less finite power." [Abstract from Davis Bitton's Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies, 1977]
Across the Desert in 1858 : Thomas L. Kane’s Mediating Mission and the Mormon Women Who Made It Possible
Blood of the Prophets : Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows
Brigham Young: American Moses
Defending Zion : George Q. Cannon and the California Mormon Newspaper Wars of 1856-1857
Forgotten Kingdom: The Mormon Theocracy in the American West, 1847-1896
Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900
"I Have Given Myself to the Devil" : Thomas L. Kane and the Culture of Honor
Massacre at Mountain Meadows : An American Tragedy
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
Mormon Resistance : A documentary account of the Utah Expedition, 1857-1858
Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852 : "And Should We Die"
Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans
Sentinel in the East : A Biography of Thomas L. Kane
The Mormon Battalion : A Historical Accident?
The Mormon Conflict, 1850-1859
Thomas L. Kane, Ambassador to the Mormons
Thomas L. Kane and the Utah War
Thomas L. Kane and Utah's Quest for Self-Government, 1846-51
Wagons West : The Epic Story of America's Overland Trails