Item Detail
Letters of Brigham Young to His Sons
Salt Lake City
Deseret Book
[1975 Mormon Historical Association Winner for Best Book]
(Includes biographical sketches of each of Brigham Young's sons; appendices provide a chronology of Brigham Young's life, a listing of his family, and a chronology of his children.). Mormon Heritage Series, vol. 1
Award Winner
Sources, letters
Young, Mahonri M.
Young, Lorenzo Dow
Young, Brigham, Jr.
Young, Brigham, family
Young, John W.
Young, Brigham, correspondence
Young, Joseph A.
Young, Phineas Howe
Young, Feramorz L.
Young, Willard
Young, Joseph Don Carlos
Young, Alfales
Young, Alonza
Young, Arta De Christa
Young, Brigham Morris
Young, Ernest I.
Young, Hyrum Smith
Young, Oscar Brigham -
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