Item Detail
David Whitmer : Faithful Dissenter, Witness Apart
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
University of Illinois Press
Whitmer, one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon, was upset with the lack of pluralism in the Mormon religion; the merging of sacred and secular issues. Whitmer's opposing views show, that even in the early Church, some members struggled over doctrinal matters and methods of Church organization.
Documents, Volume 4: April 1834-September 1835
Glorious in Persecution : Joseph Smith, American Prophet, 1839–1844
Luana Hart Beebe (1814-1897) : A Biographical Sketch of a Remarkable Early Latter-day Saint
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
The Latter Day Saints in Ohio : Writing the History of Mormonism's Middle Period
Us-Them Tribalism and Early Mormonsim