Item Detail
An Analysis of Style Variations in the Book of Mormon
Provo, UT
Brigham Young University
Master's thesis
The majority of critics who have opposed the Book of Mormon have claimed the book is the product of one man because of the uniformity of style throughout. If these charges were true, Joseph Smith's claim of divine origin for the book and its contents would be in jeopardy.
Studies have shown Semitisms, enallage, and constructions amidst the Book of Mormon writings which seem to indicate that it is a fairly literal translation. If it is such, style differences among the writers should be evident to some degree.
The mental or emotional state of a writer fashions his writings. The counts of words, phrases, and various constructions along with his use of rhetorical figures reveal the author's characteristics. A few individual observations had indicated style differnces in the Book of Mormon but no statistical analysis had been attempted. It was decided, therefore, that a statistical comparison of the writings attributed to Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and Moroni would be made.
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