Item Detail
Oliver Cowdery : The Elusive Second Elder of the Restoration
Independence, Mo.
Herald Publishing House
David W. Patten : Apostle and Martyr
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
Fanny Alger and Joseph Smith's Pre-Nauvoo Reputation
In God's Image and Likeness 2: Enoch, Noah, and the Tower of Babel
Joseph Smith's Polygamy
'Many Mansions' : The Dynamics of Dissent in the Nineteenth-Century Reorganized Church
Mapping Mormon Settlement in Caldwell County, Missouri
Oliver Cowdery : Scribe, Elder, Witness : Essays from BYU Studies and FARMS
Oliver Cowdery's Vermont Years and the Origins of Mormonism
Telling Latter-Day Saint Lives : The Craft and Continuing Challenge of Mormon Biography
The Lamanite Mission
Us-Them Tribalism and Early Mormonsim
We'll Find the Place : The Mormon Exodus 1846-1848