Foundations of the Restoration

Results 1–11 of 11 for: keywords:"railroad"
Title Author(s) Dates Call Number Unit Has Scanned Image?
Letter of J. C. Frémont to the editors of the National Intelligencer, communicating some general results of a recent winter expedition across the Rocky Mountains, for the survey of a route for a railroad to the Pacific. June 15, 1854. Frémont, John Charles 1854 AC 901 .A1 no.4782 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
Report of exploration of a route for the Pacific railroad [Part I] near the 38th and 39th parallels of latitude, from the mouth of the Kansas to Sevier River, in the Great Basin. [Part 2] On the line of the forty-first parallel of north latitude. By Lt. E Beckwith, Edward Griffin 1855 F 391 .U65 1854 vol.1-2 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
Practicability of railroads through the South Pass. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report from F. W. Lander, Esq., relative to the practicability of a railroad through the South Pass Lander, Frederick West 1858 J 74 .U55x 955 no.38-39,45,64,70 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
Schuyler Colfax: Across the Continent by Overland Stage in 1865 Coalfax, Schuyler 1865 Vault MSS 501 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers Yes
Engineering survey report Hodges, F.S. 1868 MSS SC 280 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
Our new West. Record of travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean... Bowles, Samuel 1869 F 594 .B78 1973 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
From the Atlantic surf to the Golden Gate. First trip on the great Pacific Railroad. Two days and nights among the Mormons, with scenes and incidents Humason, William Lawrence 1869 F 594 .H91 1869 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
The story of a trail; being an authentic record of the breaking of the Mormon Trail between the Inter-Mountain empire and California's "land of sunshine," with the story of the founding and building along this historic pioneer highway of the Salt Lake rou White, Douglas 1905 BX 8673.41 .St76x 1905 Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers No
A Mormon wife's experience and remarkable escape from the interior of Utah. The story from her own lips. As told to the publisher thirty-three years ago; when he found her, nearly perished along the railroad track, in a Colorado Valley Nelson, Alex T 1916 BX 8608 .A1 no.3417 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage
Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers
Andrew Jackson Allen Autobiography and Diary Allen, Andrew Jackson 1857-1884 MSS SC 3213 Unit 9 — Missouri
Unit 10 — Nauvoo
Unit 12 — Western Exodus and Pioneers
William Jordan Flake diary Flake, William Jordan 1884-1885 MSS SC 1453 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage Yes