Foundations of the Restoration

Results 1–18 of 18 for: keywords:"Reed Smoot"
Title Author(s) Dates Call Number Unit Has Scanned Image?
Reed Smoot certificate West, Caleb W. Utah Governor 1894 MSS SC 596 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Protest against the proposed election to the United States Senate of Reed Smoot, the Mormon apostle Wake, Richard 1902 BX 8608 .A1 no.4273 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
In the matter of Reed Smoot, senator-elect of the state of Utah. Protests of citizens of the state of Utah against the admission to the United States Senate of Reed Smoot, Apostle of the Mormon Church 1903 M270.1 Sm71 1903 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Extracts from proceedings before the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate in the matter of the protests against the right of Hon. Reed Smoot, a senator from the state of Utah, to hold his seat. Testimony taken during the month Inter-denominational Council of Women for Christian and Patriotic Service 1904 M270.1 Sm71 1904 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Joseph F. Smith letter Smith, Joseph F. 1904 MSS SC 1139 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage
Unit 13 — Continuing Revelation
Reed Smoot ... Mr. Burrows, from the Committee on Privileges and Elections, submitted the following report. U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections 1906 BX 8670.1 .Sm769c no.3 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage Yes
Contents of testimony taken before the Committee on Privileges and Elections of the United States Senate in the matter of the protests against the right of Hon. Reed Smoot a Senator from the state of Utah, to hold his seat . . . Compiled for Mr. Smoot U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Privileges and Elections 1906 JK 1189 59th .U8 1906 Index Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Senator from Utah : speech of Hon. Julius C. Burrows of Michigan, in the Senate of the United States, Wednesday, February 20, 1907 Burrows, Julius Caesar 1907 BX 8608 .A1 no.1148 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
In opposition to the resolution reported from the Committee on Privileges and Elections "that Reed Smoot is not entitled to a seat as a senator of the United States from the state of Utah." Knox, Philander Chase 1907 BX 8608 .A1 no.2463 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage Yes
The Reed Smoot case. Speech of Hon. Albert J. Beveridge, of Indiana, in the Senate of the United States, in support of the minority report on the resolution that Reed Smoot is not entitled to a seat in the Senate as a senator from Utah. February 20, 1907 Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah 1907 BX 8670.1 .Sm769c no.12 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Senator Reed Smoot and conditions in Utah . . . Speech of Hon. George Sutherland, of Utah, in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, January 22, 1907 Sutherland, George 1907 BX 8670.1 .Sm769c no.2 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Senator from Utah . . . Speech of Hon. Reed Smoot, of Utah, in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 19, 1907 Smoot, Reed 1907 BX 8670.1 .Sm769c no.7 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Reed Smoot papers Smoot, Reed 1827-1966 MSS 1187 Unit 13 — Continuing Revelation No
Reed Smoot subject files Smoot, Reed 1837-1966 MSS 1187 Series 7 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Carlos Ashby Badger papers Badger, Carlos Ashby 1895-1910 MSS 1485 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Carlos Ashby Badger papers Badger, Carlos Ashby 1895-1939 MSS 1298 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Walter M. Wolfe diary and congressional testimony Wolfe, Walter M. 1900-1906 MSS 8374 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage No
Volume XI, personal journal / J. E. Talmage Talmage, James E. 1905-1908 MSS 229 Series 1 box 3 folder 2 Unit 11 — Eternal Marriage and Plural Marriage
Unit 13 — Continuing Revelation